






モデルMacBook Air (Retina, 13-inch, 2018)
CPU1.6 GHz デュアルコアIntel Core i5
メモリ8 GB 2133 MHz LPDDR3
OSMonterey / 12.5




Homebrew The Missing Package Manager for macOS (or Linux).


/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"




Last login: Sun Jul 31 00:36:46 on ttys003
~ % /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
==> Checking for `sudo` access (which may request your password)...



Last login: Sun Jul 31 00:36:46 on ttys003
~ % /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
==> Checking for `sudo` access (which may request your password)...
==> This script will install:
==> The following new directories will be created:
==> The Xcode Command Line Tools will be installed.

Press RETURN/ENTER to continue or any other key to abort:


Installation successful! と表示されれば完了。

Last login: Sun Jul 31 00:36:46 on ttys003
~ % /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
==> Checking for `sudo` access (which may request your password)...
==> This script will install:
==> The following new directories will be created:
==> The Xcode Command Line Tools will be installed.

Press RETURN/ENTER to continue or any other key to abort:
==> /usr/bin/sudo /bin/mkdir -p /usr/local/bin /usr/local/etc /usr/local/include /usr/local/lib /usr/local/sbin /usr/local/share /usr/local/var /usr/local/opt /usr/local/share/zsh /usr/local/share/zsh/site-functions /usr/local/var/homebrew /usr/local/var/homebrew/linked /usr/local/Cellar /usr/local/Caskroom /usr/local/Frameworks
==> /usr/bin/sudo /bin/chmod ug=rwx /usr/local/bin /usr/local/etc /usr/local/include /usr/local/lib /usr/local/sbin /usr/local/share /usr/local/var /usr/local/opt /usr/local/share/zsh /usr/local/share/zsh/site-functions /usr/local/var/homebrew /usr/local/var/homebrew/linked /usr/local/Cellar /usr/local/Caskroom /usr/local/Frameworks
==> /usr/bin/sudo /bin/chmod go-w /usr/local/share/zsh /usr/local/share/zsh/site-functions
==> /usr/bin/sudo /usr/sbin/chown siba /usr/local/bin /usr/local/etc /usr/local/include /usr/local/lib /usr/local/sbin /usr/local/share /usr/local/var /usr/local/opt /usr/local/share/zsh /usr/local/share/zsh/site-functions /usr/local/var/homebrew /usr/local/var/homebrew/linked /usr/local/Cellar /usr/local/Caskroom /usr/local/Frameworks
==> /usr/bin/sudo /usr/bin/chgrp admin /usr/local/bin /usr/local/etc /usr/local/include /usr/local/lib /usr/local/sbin /usr/local/share /usr/local/var /usr/local/opt /usr/local/share/zsh /usr/local/share/zsh/site-functions /usr/local/var/homebrew /usr/local/var/homebrew/linked /usr/local/Cellar /usr/local/Caskroom /usr/local/Frameworks
==> /usr/bin/sudo /bin/mkdir -p /usr/local/Homebrew
==> /usr/bin/sudo /usr/sbin/chown -R siba:admin /usr/local/Homebrew
==> /usr/bin/sudo /bin/mkdir -p /Users/siba/Library/Caches/Homebrew
==> /usr/bin/sudo /bin/chmod g+rwx /Users/siba/Library/Caches/Homebrew
==> /usr/bin/sudo /usr/sbin/chown -R siba /Users/siba/Library/Caches/Homebrew
==> Searching online for the Command Line Tools
==> /usr/bin/sudo /usr/bin/touch /tmp/
==> Installing Command Line Tools for Xcode-13.4
==> /usr/bin/sudo /usr/sbin/softwareupdate -i Command\ Line\ Tools\ for\ Xcode-13.4
Software Update Tool

Finding available software

Downloading Command Line Tools for Xcode
Downloaded Command Line Tools for Xcode
Installing Command Line Tools for Xcode

Done with Command Line Tools for Xcode
==> /usr/bin/sudo /usr/bin/xcode-select --switch /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools
Sorry, try again.
==> /usr/bin/sudo /bin/rm -f /tmp/
==> Downloading and installing Homebrew...
remote: Enumerating objects: 212766, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (78/78), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (64/64), done.
remote: Total 212766 (delta 22), reused 67 (delta 14), pack-reused 212688
Receiving objects: 100% (212766/212766), 58.98 MiB | 8.37 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (156500/156500), done.
 * [new branch]          dependabot/bundler/Library/Homebrew/sorbet-static-and-runtime-0.5.10172 -> origin/dependabot/bundler/Library/Homebrew/sorbet-static-and-runtime-0.5.10172
 * [new branch]          master                                                                  -> origin/master
 * [new tag]             0.1                                                                     -> 0.1
 * [new tag]             0.2                                                                     -> 0.2
 * [new tag]             0.3                                                                     -> 0.3
 * [new tag]             0.4                                                                     -> 0.4
 * [new tag]             0.5                                                                     -> 0.5
 * [new tag]             0.6                                                                     -> 0.6
 * [new tag]             0.7                                                                     -> 0.7
 * [new tag]             0.7.1                                                                   -> 0.7.1
 * [new tag]             0.8                                                                     -> 0.8
 * [new tag]             0.8.1                                                                   -> 0.8.1
 * [new tag]             0.9                                                                     -> 0.9
 * [new tag]             0.9.1                                                                   -> 0.9.1
 * [new tag]             0.9.2                                                                   -> 0.9.2
 * [new tag]             0.9.3                                                                   -> 0.9.3
 * [new tag]             0.9.4                                                                   -> 0.9.4
 * [new tag]             0.9.5                                                                   -> 0.9.5
 * [new tag]             0.9.8                                                                   -> 0.9.8
 * [new tag]             0.9.9                                                                   -> 0.9.9
 * [new tag]             1.0.0                                                                   -> 1.0.0
 * [new tag]             1.0.1                                                                   -> 1.0.1
 * [new tag]             1.0.2                                                                   -> 1.0.2
 * [new tag]             1.0.3                                                                   -> 1.0.3
 * [new tag]             1.0.4                                                                   -> 1.0.4
 * [new tag]             1.0.5                                                                   -> 1.0.5
 * [new tag]             1.0.6                                                                   -> 1.0.6
 * [new tag]             1.0.7                                                                   -> 1.0.7
 * [new tag]             1.0.8                                                                   -> 1.0.8
 * [new tag]             1.0.9                                                                   -> 1.0.9
 * [new tag]             1.1.0                                                                   -> 1.1.0
 * [new tag]             1.1.1                                                                   -> 1.1.1
 * [new tag]             1.1.10                                                                  -> 1.1.10
 * [new tag]             1.1.11                                                                  -> 1.1.11
 * [new tag]             1.1.12                                                                  -> 1.1.12
 * [new tag]             1.1.13                                                                  -> 1.1.13
 * [new tag]             1.1.2                                                                   -> 1.1.2
 * [new tag]             1.1.3                                                                   -> 1.1.3
 * [new tag]             1.1.4                                                                   -> 1.1.4
 * [new tag]             1.1.5                                                                   -> 1.1.5
 * [new tag]             1.1.6                                                                   -> 1.1.6
 * [new tag]             1.1.7                                                                   -> 1.1.7
 * [new tag]             1.1.8                                                                   -> 1.1.8
 * [new tag]             1.1.9                                                                   -> 1.1.9
 * [new tag]             1.2.0                                                                   -> 1.2.0
 * [new tag]             1.2.1                                                                   -> 1.2.1
 * [new tag]             1.2.2                                                                   -> 1.2.2
 * [new tag]             1.2.3                                                                   -> 1.2.3
 * [new tag]             1.2.4                                                                   -> 1.2.4
 * [new tag]             1.2.5                                                                   -> 1.2.5
 * [new tag]             1.2.6                                                                   -> 1.2.6
 * [new tag]             1.3.0                                                                   -> 1.3.0
 * [new tag]             1.3.1                                                                   -> 1.3.1
 * [new tag]             1.3.2                                                                   -> 1.3.2
 * [new tag]             1.3.3                                                                   -> 1.3.3
 * [new tag]             1.3.4                                                                   -> 1.3.4
 * [new tag]             1.3.5                                                                   -> 1.3.5
 * [new tag]             1.3.6                                                                   -> 1.3.6
 * [new tag]             1.3.7                                                                   -> 1.3.7
 * [new tag]             1.3.8                                                                   -> 1.3.8
 * [new tag]             1.3.9                                                                   -> 1.3.9
 * [new tag]             1.4.0                                                                   -> 1.4.0
 * [new tag]             1.4.1                                                                   -> 1.4.1
 * [new tag]             1.4.2                                                                   -> 1.4.2
 * [new tag]             1.4.3                                                                   -> 1.4.3
 * [new tag]             1.5.0                                                                   -> 1.5.0
 * [new tag]             1.5.1                                                                   -> 1.5.1
 * [new tag]             1.5.10                                                                  -> 1.5.10
 * [new tag]             1.5.11                                                                  -> 1.5.11
 * [new tag]             1.5.12                                                                  -> 1.5.12
 * [new tag]             1.5.13                                                                  -> 1.5.13
 * [new tag]             1.5.14                                                                  -> 1.5.14
 * [new tag]             1.5.2                                                                   -> 1.5.2
 * [new tag]             1.5.3                                                                   -> 1.5.3
 * [new tag]             1.5.4                                                                   -> 1.5.4
 * [new tag]             1.5.5                                                                   -> 1.5.5
 * [new tag]             1.5.6                                                                   -> 1.5.6
 * [new tag]             1.5.7                                                                   -> 1.5.7
 * [new tag]             1.5.8                                                                   -> 1.5.8
 * [new tag]             1.5.9                                                                   -> 1.5.9
 * [new tag]             1.6.0                                                                   -> 1.6.0
 * [new tag]             1.6.1                                                                   -> 1.6.1
 * [new tag]             1.6.10                                                                  -> 1.6.10
 * [new tag]             1.6.11                                                                  -> 1.6.11
 * [new tag]             1.6.12                                                                  -> 1.6.12
 * [new tag]             1.6.13                                                                  -> 1.6.13
 * [new tag]             1.6.14                                                                  -> 1.6.14
 * [new tag]             1.6.15                                                                  -> 1.6.15
 * [new tag]             1.6.16                                                                  -> 1.6.16
 * [new tag]             1.6.17                                                                  -> 1.6.17
 * [new tag]             1.6.2                                                                   -> 1.6.2
 * [new tag]             1.6.3                                                                   -> 1.6.3
 * [new tag]             1.6.4                                                                   -> 1.6.4
 * [new tag]             1.6.5                                                                   -> 1.6.5
 * [new tag]             1.6.6                                                                   -> 1.6.6
 * [new tag]             1.6.7                                                                   -> 1.6.7
 * [new tag]             1.6.8                                                                   -> 1.6.8
 * [new tag]             1.6.9                                                                   -> 1.6.9
 * [new tag]             1.7.0                                                                   -> 1.7.0
 * [new tag]             1.7.1                                                                   -> 1.7.1
 * [new tag]             1.7.2                                                                   -> 1.7.2
 * [new tag]             1.7.3                                                                   -> 1.7.3
 * [new tag]             1.7.4                                                                   -> 1.7.4
 * [new tag]             1.7.5                                                                   -> 1.7.5
 * [new tag]             1.7.6                                                                   -> 1.7.6
 * [new tag]             1.7.7                                                                   -> 1.7.7
 * [new tag]             1.8.0                                                                   -> 1.8.0
 * [new tag]             1.8.1                                                                   -> 1.8.1
 * [new tag]             1.8.2                                                                   -> 1.8.2
 * [new tag]             1.8.3                                                                   -> 1.8.3
 * [new tag]             1.8.4                                                                   -> 1.8.4
 * [new tag]             1.8.5                                                                   -> 1.8.5
 * [new tag]             1.8.6                                                                   -> 1.8.6
 * [new tag]             1.9.0                                                                   -> 1.9.0
 * [new tag]             1.9.1                                                                   -> 1.9.1
 * [new tag]             1.9.2                                                                   -> 1.9.2
 * [new tag]             1.9.3                                                                   -> 1.9.3
 * [new tag]             2.0.0                                                                   -> 2.0.0
 * [new tag]             2.0.1                                                                   -> 2.0.1
 * [new tag]             2.0.2                                                                   -> 2.0.2
 * [new tag]             2.0.3                                                                   -> 2.0.3
 * [new tag]             2.0.4                                                                   -> 2.0.4
 * [new tag]             2.0.5                                                                   -> 2.0.5
 * [new tag]             2.0.6                                                                   -> 2.0.6
 * [new tag]             2.1.0                                                                   -> 2.1.0
 * [new tag]             2.1.1                                                                   -> 2.1.1
 * [new tag]             2.1.10                                                                  -> 2.1.10
 * [new tag]             2.1.11                                                                  -> 2.1.11
 * [new tag]             2.1.12                                                                  -> 2.1.12
 * [new tag]             2.1.13                                                                  -> 2.1.13
 * [new tag]             2.1.14                                                                  -> 2.1.14
 * [new tag]             2.1.15                                                                  -> 2.1.15
 * [new tag]             2.1.16                                                                  -> 2.1.16
 * [new tag]             2.1.2                                                                   -> 2.1.2
 * [new tag]             2.1.3                                                                   -> 2.1.3
 * [new tag]             2.1.4                                                                   -> 2.1.4
 * [new tag]             2.1.5                                                                   -> 2.1.5
 * [new tag]             2.1.6                                                                   -> 2.1.6
 * [new tag]             2.1.7                                                                   -> 2.1.7
 * [new tag]             2.1.8                                                                   -> 2.1.8
 * [new tag]             2.1.9                                                                   -> 2.1.9
 * [new tag]             2.2.0                                                                   -> 2.2.0
 * [new tag]             2.2.1                                                                   -> 2.2.1
 * [new tag]             2.2.10                                                                  -> 2.2.10
 * [new tag]             2.2.11                                                                  -> 2.2.11
 * [new tag]             2.2.12                                                                  -> 2.2.12
 * [new tag]             2.2.13                                                                  -> 2.2.13
 * [new tag]             2.2.14                                                                  -> 2.2.14
 * [new tag]             2.2.15                                                                  -> 2.2.15
 * [new tag]             2.2.16                                                                  -> 2.2.16
 * [new tag]             2.2.17                                                                  -> 2.2.17
 * [new tag]             2.2.2                                                                   -> 2.2.2
 * [new tag]             2.2.3                                                                   -> 2.2.3
 * [new tag]             2.2.4                                                                   -> 2.2.4
 * [new tag]             2.2.5                                                                   -> 2.2.5
 * [new tag]             2.2.6                                                                   -> 2.2.6
 * [new tag]             2.2.7                                                                   -> 2.2.7
 * [new tag]             2.2.8                                                                   -> 2.2.8
 * [new tag]             2.2.9                                                                   -> 2.2.9
 * [new tag]             2.3.0                                                                   -> 2.3.0
 * [new tag]             2.4.0                                                                   -> 2.4.0
 * [new tag]             2.4.1                                                                   -> 2.4.1
 * [new tag]             2.4.10                                                                  -> 2.4.10
 * [new tag]             2.4.11                                                                  -> 2.4.11
 * [new tag]             2.4.12                                                                  -> 2.4.12
 * [new tag]             2.4.13                                                                  -> 2.4.13
 * [new tag]             2.4.14                                                                  -> 2.4.14
 * [new tag]             2.4.15                                                                  -> 2.4.15
 * [new tag]             2.4.16                                                                  -> 2.4.16
 * [new tag]             2.4.2                                                                   -> 2.4.2
 * [new tag]             2.4.3                                                                   -> 2.4.3
 * [new tag]             2.4.4                                                                   -> 2.4.4
 * [new tag]             2.4.5                                                                   -> 2.4.5
 * [new tag]             2.4.6                                                                   -> 2.4.6
 * [new tag]             2.4.7                                                                   -> 2.4.7
 * [new tag]             2.4.8                                                                   -> 2.4.8
 * [new tag]             2.4.9                                                                   -> 2.4.9
 * [new tag]             2.5.0                                                                   -> 2.5.0
 * [new tag]             2.5.1                                                                   -> 2.5.1
 * [new tag]             2.5.10                                                                  -> 2.5.10
 * [new tag]             2.5.11                                                                  -> 2.5.11
 * [new tag]             2.5.12                                                                  -> 2.5.12
 * [new tag]             2.5.2                                                                   -> 2.5.2
 * [new tag]             2.5.3                                                                   -> 2.5.3
 * [new tag]             2.5.4                                                                   -> 2.5.4
 * [new tag]             2.5.5                                                                   -> 2.5.5
 * [new tag]             2.5.6                                                                   -> 2.5.6
 * [new tag]             2.5.7                                                                   -> 2.5.7
 * [new tag]             2.5.8                                                                   -> 2.5.8
 * [new tag]             2.5.9                                                                   -> 2.5.9
 * [new tag]             2.6.0                                                                   -> 2.6.0
 * [new tag]             2.6.1                                                                   -> 2.6.1
 * [new tag]             2.6.2                                                                   -> 2.6.2
 * [new tag]             2.7.0                                                                   -> 2.7.0
 * [new tag]             2.7.1                                                                   -> 2.7.1
 * [new tag]             2.7.2                                                                   -> 2.7.2
 * [new tag]             2.7.3                                                                   -> 2.7.3
 * [new tag]             2.7.4                                                                   -> 2.7.4
 * [new tag]             2.7.5                                                                   -> 2.7.5
 * [new tag]             2.7.6                                                                   -> 2.7.6
 * [new tag]             2.7.7                                                                   -> 2.7.7
 * [new tag]             3.0.0                                                                   -> 3.0.0
 * [new tag]             3.0.1                                                                   -> 3.0.1
 * [new tag]             3.0.10                                                                  -> 3.0.10
 * [new tag]             3.0.11                                                                  -> 3.0.11
 * [new tag]             3.0.2                                                                   -> 3.0.2
 * [new tag]             3.0.3                                                                   -> 3.0.3
 * [new tag]             3.0.4                                                                   -> 3.0.4
 * [new tag]             3.0.5                                                                   -> 3.0.5
 * [new tag]             3.0.6                                                                   -> 3.0.6
 * [new tag]             3.0.7                                                                   -> 3.0.7
 * [new tag]             3.0.8                                                                   -> 3.0.8
 * [new tag]             3.0.9                                                                   -> 3.0.9
 * [new tag]             3.1.0                                                                   -> 3.1.0
 * [new tag]             3.1.1                                                                   -> 3.1.1
 * [new tag]             3.1.10                                                                  -> 3.1.10
 * [new tag]             3.1.11                                                                  -> 3.1.11
 * [new tag]             3.1.12                                                                  -> 3.1.12
 * [new tag]             3.1.2                                                                   -> 3.1.2
 * [new tag]             3.1.3                                                                   -> 3.1.3
 * [new tag]             3.1.4                                                                   -> 3.1.4
 * [new tag]             3.1.5                                                                   -> 3.1.5
 * [new tag]             3.1.6                                                                   -> 3.1.6
 * [new tag]             3.1.7                                                                   -> 3.1.7
 * [new tag]             3.1.8                                                                   -> 3.1.8
 * [new tag]             3.1.9                                                                   -> 3.1.9
 * [new tag]             3.2.0                                                                   -> 3.2.0
 * [new tag]             3.2.1                                                                   -> 3.2.1
 * [new tag]             3.2.10                                                                  -> 3.2.10
 * [new tag]             3.2.11                                                                  -> 3.2.11
 * [new tag]             3.2.12                                                                  -> 3.2.12
 * [new tag]             3.2.13                                                                  -> 3.2.13
 * [new tag]             3.2.14                                                                  -> 3.2.14
 * [new tag]             3.2.15                                                                  -> 3.2.15
 * [new tag]             3.2.16                                                                  -> 3.2.16
 * [new tag]             3.2.17                                                                  -> 3.2.17
 * [new tag]             3.2.2                                                                   -> 3.2.2
 * [new tag]             3.2.3                                                                   -> 3.2.3
 * [new tag]             3.2.4                                                                   -> 3.2.4
 * [new tag]             3.2.5                                                                   -> 3.2.5
 * [new tag]             3.2.6                                                                   -> 3.2.6
 * [new tag]             3.2.7                                                                   -> 3.2.7
 * [new tag]             3.2.8                                                                   -> 3.2.8
 * [new tag]             3.2.9                                                                   -> 3.2.9
 * [new tag]             3.3.0                                                                   -> 3.3.0
 * [new tag]             3.3.1                                                                   -> 3.3.1
 * [new tag]             3.3.10                                                                  -> 3.3.10
 * [new tag]             3.3.11                                                                  -> 3.3.11
 * [new tag]             3.3.12                                                                  -> 3.3.12
 * [new tag]             3.3.13                                                                  -> 3.3.13
 * [new tag]             3.3.14                                                                  -> 3.3.14
 * [new tag]             3.3.15                                                                  -> 3.3.15
 * [new tag]             3.3.16                                                                  -> 3.3.16
 * [new tag]             3.3.2                                                                   -> 3.3.2
 * [new tag]             3.3.3                                                                   -> 3.3.3
 * [new tag]             3.3.4                                                                   -> 3.3.4
 * [new tag]             3.3.5                                                                   -> 3.3.5
 * [new tag]             3.3.6                                                                   -> 3.3.6
 * [new tag]             3.3.7                                                                   -> 3.3.7
 * [new tag]             3.3.8                                                                   -> 3.3.8
 * [new tag]             3.3.9                                                                   -> 3.3.9
 * [new tag]             3.4.0                                                                   -> 3.4.0
 * [new tag]             3.4.1                                                                   -> 3.4.1
 * [new tag]             3.4.10                                                                  -> 3.4.10
 * [new tag]             3.4.11                                                                  -> 3.4.11
 * [new tag]             3.4.2                                                                   -> 3.4.2
 * [new tag]             3.4.3                                                                   -> 3.4.3
 * [new tag]             3.4.4                                                                   -> 3.4.4
 * [new tag]             3.4.5                                                                   -> 3.4.5
 * [new tag]             3.4.6                                                                   -> 3.4.6
 * [new tag]             3.4.7                                                                   -> 3.4.7
 * [new tag]             3.4.8                                                                   -> 3.4.8
 * [new tag]             3.4.9                                                                   -> 3.4.9
 * [new tag]             3.5.0                                                                   -> 3.5.0
 * [new tag]             3.5.1                                                                   -> 3.5.1
 * [new tag]             3.5.2                                                                   -> 3.5.2
 * [new tag]             3.5.3                                                                   -> 3.5.3
 * [new tag]             3.5.4                                                                   -> 3.5.4
 * [new tag]             3.5.5                                                                   -> 3.5.5
 * [new tag]             3.5.6                                                                   -> 3.5.6
HEAD is now at e217fd35c Merge pull request #12770 from carlocab/deprecated-dependencies
==> Tapping homebrew/core
remote: Enumerating objects: 1237809, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (207/207), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (100/100), done.
remote: Total 1237809 (delta 117), reused 192 (delta 107), pack-reused 1237602
Receiving objects: 100% (1237809/1237809), 503.39 MiB | 7.29 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (851788/851788), done.
 * [new branch]              master     -> origin/master
Updating files: 100% (6557/6557), done.
HEAD is now at 4756a212c31 aptly: update 1.5.0 bottle.
==> Installation successful!

==> Homebrew has enabled anonymous aggregate formulae and cask analytics.
Read the analytics documentation (and how to opt-out) here:
No analytics data has been sent yet (nor will any be during this install run).

==> Homebrew is run entirely by unpaid volunteers. Please consider donating:

==> Next steps:
- Run brew help to get started
- Further documentation:

~ % 
  • URLをコピーしました!
  • URLをコピーしました!


sibaのアバター siba プログラミング学習に出遅れた社会人

